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Mini-Manifesto: The Future is Now

Mini-Manifesto: The Future is Now

Posted by Tom Kaczynski on Jul 6th 2018

We have a new website (looooong time coming!), we moved to a new office not too long ago, and we're at the start of a new season of books… it feels like we're entering a new phase. It's a good time to reflect back to the beginning of Uncivilized Books and to examine our ideals, ideas, identity, and all the things we've tried to accomplish. When I started Uncivilized Books (in 2011… it's been 7 years!) I made this comics mini-manifesto. I did it for a few reasons: one, to introduce the press to readers who are unfamiliar with it; two, to help me think about what kind of comics Uncivilized Books should publish; and 3, to remind me of that mission. Every time I read it, I'm transported back… to the future of comics as I imagined it then. Now we're in that future… the world has really changed in the 7 years since we opened doors. Let's think about where we're going. I plan to pry open the door a bit, and peek behind the scenes of Uncivilized Books (and Odod Books)… warts and all. Tune in for essays, comics, news, analysis, and more from me, our staff, and the artists we publish.
